marți, 14 septembrie 2010

Dobet Gnahoré : Issa (''Na Afriki'' 2007)

Un cintec de pe al doilea album al acestei cintarete din Coasta de Fildes, cintat in Malinké. Coregrafia : Dobet si Rachelle Agbossou, clip realizat de Guido Welkenhuizen.

English Translation:

don't be so hard on yourself
you can stop seeing black
you can still take a step towards the light
a single step that changes everything
it's never too late
stop not hearing anything
don't say that you are alone
your parents do everything to reason with you
they advise you every day
you prefer to profit from life as you hear it
without doing anything with your existence
you do nothing to be appreciated
we can all succeed in life, don't forget
don't lower your arms, God is beside you
you just have to seize the moment
don't wait any longer, the years will pass
open your eyes to see in front of you.

Dobet Gnahoré - Issa ("Na Afriki" 2007)
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